Southwest –– Southeast –– Midwest
Project: Elkins Tract ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: College Station, Texas
This mixed-use development will consist of 33 acres of residential and retail in College Station, Texas. Our analysis showed that the nearby roadways and intersections had capacity for development trips, but the main entrance to the development would need turn lanes.
Project: Camden Park ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Farmersville, Texas
This mixed-use development is located off of US 380 in Farmersville, a suburb of Dallas, Texas. The site will consist of single family homes and apartments, plus some retail and office uses. Our analysis examined five nearby intersections and provided some recommendations for driveways to better facilitate operations and safety.
Project: 5550 LBJ Freeway ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Dallas, Texas
This mixed-use development is located off of IH-635 in Dallas, Texas. The site currently houses three office buildings, and the owner proposes to construct apartments and a hotel. Our analysis showed that the nearby intersections have capacity for the additional trips.
Project: Ironpoint West 1 ~ Traffic Impact Study
Location: Williston, North Dakota
This mixed-use development is located on the busy US 2/85 in Williston, North Dakota. The site will have a home improvement superstore, a gas station, a hotel, and an industrial park. Our analysis showed that the project driveway will require a traffic signal due to the heavy traffic on US 2/85 and the amount of development traffic.
Project: Section 16 Parcel ~ Traffic Impact Study
Location: Williston, North Dakota
This mixed-use development consists of residential and commercial uses in an area of rapid growth. The analysis included other previous studies to determine how traffic will function on current and future arterial roadways. The conclusions were that additional corridors should be explored to relieve traffic volumes on the roadways in the study area.
Project: Ridgeview Estates ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Hall County, Georgia
This study looked at a mixed-use project in Hall County, in the northeast Atlanta suburbs. The site will consist of 139 single-family lots, commercial/retail, and a gas station. Our analysis showed that a nearby intersection would see LOS F after buildout, but this could be mitigated with signal phasing and timing improvements. We also recommended left-turn lanes and right-turn lanes at many of the project’s driveways.
Project: Lighthouse Coast ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Traffic analysis in the Caribbean is tough work, but someone has to do it! This 140-plus acre mixed-use development is located on the east end of Grand Cayman. My analysis examined the cumulative impacts of this and an adjacent major development to determine improvements to nearby intersections. One key component of the study was looking at the need for an east-west arterial bypass to accommodate growth.