Southwest –– Southeast –– Midwest
Project: SE Inner Loop & Snead ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Georgetown,Texas
This traffic impact analysis examined two adjacent parcels both consisting of industrial uses totaling 318,000 square feet. Our study examined the SE Inner Loop and also accounted for future roadway widening and other improvement projects in the area. We recommended adding turn lanes at the project driveway and other geometric improvements at nearby intersections.
Project: IH-45 Business Park ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Houston,Texas
This traffic impact analysis examined a half-million square foot industrial development in Houston. The site is located along the IH-45 frontage road and our analysis showed that nearby intersections had capacity to accommodate project trips. We also provided recommendations on the project’s driveway
Project: Industrial Project ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Southern Texas
Due to client confidentiality, we can’t tell you much about this project, but we can tell you that study looked at a major industrial project near the Gulf of Mexico in Southern Texas. Construction of the site is expected to employ approximately 1200 workers in two shifts, and our analysis showed that turn lanes and traffic signal timing improvements would be needed during construction.
Project: HES Field Camp ~ Traffic Impact Analysis
Location: Brownfield, Texas
This traffic impact analysis accompanies a driveway permit application for a future industrial site on a state roadway. Our analysis showed that projected future right turning movements met the threshold for right-turn deceleration lanes, and after meeting with TxDOT staff, we recommended widening the shoulder to 10 feet in lieu of turn lanes.
Project: Industrial Facility ~ Traffic Study
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
This was another project that is confidential but we can tell you that this study examined a proposed industrial facility outside of Fort Worth, Texas. The study looked at the need for turn lanes on a state roadway, review driveway operations and design, and also analyzed nearby intersections to provide the best truck routes.
Project: Springbrook Railport ~ Traffic Impact Study
Location: Williams County, North Dakota
This traffic impact study looked at a proposed rail hub facility in Williams County that would see approximately 400 vehicles per day, half of which would be trucks. The site is located northwest of Williston, in the heart of the Bakken oil fields. Our analysis showed that the additional traffic would not negatively impacted the roadways in the study area.
Project: Anhydrous Ammonia Plant ~ Traffic Study
Location: McHenry County, North Dakota
Anhydrous ammonia is a dangerous substance that must be transported by vehicles traveling slower than 25 mph. The potential for accidents on US 52 results from speed differential between these slow-moving vehicles, and regular traffic. Our study provided safety recommendations including automatic vehicle speed detection combined with warning flashers.
Project: South Industrial Park ~ Traffic Impact Study
Location: Belfield, North Dakota
This study examined a development that will consist of a 145-acre industrial park, with rail spurs for the unloading for fracking sand. The site is located adjacent to US 85 south of town, and our analysis showed that the proposed site will not require turn lanes at the access intersections.
Project: Triad Business Park ~ Traffic Impact Study
Location: Guilford County, North Carolina
This project consists of a major industrial park over 365 acres in size. Our analysis showed that signalization was needed at two access driveways, and turn lanes were needed at other nearby intersections.